Recently a friend of mine put up this beautiful picture on Facebook. She said that she had dreamt it and just had to paint it and get it out of her system. I have included the image in this post. You will see on the left hand side are all dark feelings that she was dealing with at the time.
I praised her for putting this up and admitting these emotions, because as you will see on the right hand side of the painting, there are feelings of where she would rather be and what she is working towards.
A lot of her friends didn't understand where she was coming from and said "you need to paint something more positive". I didn't agree with this as she was being honest and instead of judgement people could have been asking if she was ok, or just thanking her for her honesty.
My friend messaged me privately and thanked me for the public comments and stated it was just something that she had to paint. I again said to her how proud I was of her for dealing with these feelings and working towards moving away from them.
Our reaction to our friend's current emotional state is so important, whether they tell us or not :)