Sunday, 6 November 2016

It's a fine line

I have written before about knowing your triggers and what may set you off down the road to depression. Mine are showing up at the moment. I'm working gently to get through them. 

I have just begun a trial separation from my husband which means I moved, we had to tell the kids and do 50/50 share (they have been awesome and no tears shed), dealing with everyone else's emotions and opinions about it, while trying to manage mine. 

Then I had a dear friend take his life, I've spoken about it before but I still feel immense sadness when I think about what he must have been going through.

There is other stuff too which I won't go into but to say my mind is buzzing/exhausted is an understatement. 

So given my mental state I'm torn between wanting to stay at home watching trashy TV and sleeping, to catching up with people who keep extending invites to me thinking I need the company. 

What I am teaching myself when it comes to catching up with people - how do I feel when I am with them? If they are all about them, negative or draining, then right now may not be the time to catch up. If they are life-giving, caring, make me laugh and actually give a shit, then I muster up all my energy to be with them. Because when I do I actually feel so much better in their presence. 

So it's a fine line when it comes to catch ups. I need to keep this checklist in mind for the next one. I also have to realize that people are ok if you say no, and you don't have to give them a reason. 

During this time of stress I'm making sure I take my meds, get some decent sleep, throw in some exercise, eat some healthy food, get cuddles where I can, take deep deep breaths, and phone a friend when I need to. 

One day at a time 💗

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