Tuesday 13 September 2016

The 'function' of friends

I have been experiencing a tough time in my life at the moment. During this time I have found myself saying "you soon find out who your friends are".  What gives me that right to pass judgment on them on how best I feel they should be supporting me?!

If you're as lucky as me, you will realise you have lots of friends who all have different purposes in your life, and you in theirs. 

There's the one who will give you a few drinks, and make you laugh so hard you will squirt it out of your nose. The one who will ask you to go to the movies and take your mind off things. The one who will send your articles you might find useful. The one who might send you a care package. The one who checks in on you most days. The one who invites you to events or their place to hang. The one who you may not speak to for a year and it's just like old times when you finally do. The one who may be awkward around "feelings" but will be a hell of a good time on the dance floor. 

There's the quote that only a true friend hears you when you're quiet. I don't believe that. We all have our own stuff going on and everthing's not always about us (shock horror!) Maybe a true friend is one who steps up when you speak out. Perhaps we should start speaking up more and not expecting friends to be mind readers...

If you have one friend, and they are the kind of person who does like feelings, tell them how lucky you are to have them! Or just buy them dinner or make em feel special. 

If the black dog has bitten you harder than you would like and you feel you are completely lonely in this world, then please try and speak up or be a friend to yourself. I've had those days and I need to remind myself to just make that day about me. It's not selfish, it's life-giving. Anyway, I digress (but felt that needed to be said). 

So let's not categorise our friends, and let them know when and how we may need them. But also tell them that it's ok if they can't give us what we want. Feel the fear... And speak up anyway. 

Big love to you 🌻🌻🌻

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