Saturday 31 August 2013

Woe is not me

I had a coffee with a very good friend today who is going through some of her own issues. Someone said to her recently "when are you going to stop playing the victim?".  This really struck a chord with me and got the old brain working. 

Lately it has all been about me - I'm so tired, I'm so stressed, I'm so unhealthy etc etc. Why is it all about me at the moment? Some may say "it's my turn to look after me" but what good is going into my own shell going to do to help anyone or anything? Yes I'm struggling but I'm telling people. I'm not the only one who is having a hard time, what can I do for the others?? Lead and show its ok to say I'm not coping but I'm still here for you. They may end up saying the same thing back to you. Therefore working together for the greater good. I'm going to adjust a saying: there is no "I" in teamwork, but there is a "we". 

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