Sunday 1 September 2013

The Five Step Journey - Step 2

Continuing the Five Step Journey away from depression, beautifully laid out by my friend Michelle at

I have taken Michelle's and my own advice, breathed when required, and I'm already noticing the difference. Even my hubby commented that I appear to be happier in the last few days. Little things are coming back like singing along to songs, which I LOVE to do. 

So I think it's time for the next step. 

Step 2 - Radiance

"When you live in a state of radiance, you don't need to struggle for things to happen.  You shine so brightly that opportunities are drawn to you. Even if you feel dull and lethargic, you can transform your state by ACTING as if you're feeling expansive, content, and luminous." - Soul Coaching Oracle Cards Guidebook, by Denise Linn

Michelle could not be more spot on for this being the next step. Already this week I have been taking small steps in achieving radiance - smiling at strangers, bright clothing (or even just making an effort in what I am wearing), and dancing with my kids even though I don't feel up to it. What small steps can you take to achieve radiance??

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